Getting Started

Supported Platforms

Every Eww release is tested on OSX and Linux.

On each platform, Eww is tested on CPython 2.6, 2.7, and PyPy.

Eww probably works on Windows, but we do not make any guarantees, or test anything on Windows.


Eww is installable via Pip. Something like this will get you going:

pip install eww

Installing Eww also provides the Eww client, so you’ll want to make sure you install Eww locally if you’re connecting to a remote host.

To add Eww to your app, import it and call the embed() function like so:

import eww

You can then connect to the running Eww console using the Eww client:

basecamp ~: eww
Welcome to the Eww console. Type 'help' at any point for a list of available commands.
Running in PID: 93294 Name: ./

That’s about all there is to a basic implementation. You’re ready to see what you can do with Eww on the Debugging a Memory Leak page.