
If you’re having some trouble that isn’t documented here, the best way to get support is by filing a Github issue.

No input or output with Eww client

Eww proxies sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr. If you override these as well, you’ll break Eww.

If you want to replace the system IO files and use Eww at the same time, you can use the registration function. Rather than assigning to the files like this:

sys.stdin = your_custom_file  # Bad!

Use the registration function like so:

sys.stdin.register(your_custom_file)  # Good!

And, when you want to switch back:


I can’t make Eww listen on a public interface

Check out A Note on Security.

eww.memory_consumption() always returns 0

That function uses the resource module, which isn’t available on Windows systems. Rather than raising an exception and potentially taking your app offline, we return 0 instead.